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Document Details :

Title: Die Bedeutung des Zusammenhangs von Familie und Bildung
Subtitle: Anmerkungen zur politischen und bildungspolitischen Diskussion in Deutschland
Author(s): SKALA, Dieter
Journal: Marriage, Families & Spirituality
Volume: 13    Issue: 1   Date: 2007   
Pages: 103-114
DOI: 10.2143/INT.13.1.2021305

Abstract :
In this article, the author addresses current issues in the educationpolicy discussion in Germany as they relate to the connection between family and education. As a basis for his comments, he begins by demonstrating just how many dimensions of education are addressed within the family. He emphasizes that education within the family cannot be compared to institutional education, because it takes place under different circumstances and it continues for a lifetime. Those abilities developed within the family in the earliest phase of life are foundational for the future life of each person. Despite this importance, such topics are scarcely considered in the current social and political debate about both education and the family. This is astounding in light of the variety of recent research that addresses (at least implicitly) the connection between family and education. Nevertheless, the political discussion concentrates largely on strengthening education that is offered through institutions, and is currently seeking to expand those efforts, especially for the early phases of child development. The author suggests alternatives to this approach. For example, he encourages greater political attention to reducing poverty in families. He calls for the results of attachment research to be taken more seriously, because children who grow up within stable relationships have an easier time in life, including in school. Therefore, the author considers manifest support for counseling services that strengthen couples in their relationships to be essential. Further, he points to the need of many parents today for assistance with bringing up their children, whether through parenting courses or even direct mentoring. In such cases, however, a successful process of education and childrearing requires a much-improved understanding between parents and educational institutions. The task of the state in this difficult and confused arena is first of all to achieve a nuanced perception of the situation. It must acknowledge those issues that families themselves can resolve. The state must recognize these efforts by the parents, support them, and advance them. If families nevertheless fail in carrying out their responsibilities, then other supportive efforts would be called for. In any case, the state should first make every effort to strengthen families so that they are able to handle their responsibilities on their own.

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