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Document Details :

Title: David's Provisions for the Temple According to Josephus
Author(s): BEGG, Christopher T.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 82    Issue: 4   Date: December 2006   
Pages: 453-465
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.82.4.2018922

Abstract :
This article investigates Josephus’ version of 1 Chronicles 22 (David’s preparations for the building of the temple by his son Solomon) in Ant. 7.335-342. It devotes particular attention to three questions: (1) the text-form(s) of the Chronicles passage utilized by Josephus; (2) the various rewriting techniques applied by him to the scriptural data and the distinctiveness of his version that results from their use; and (3) a comparison of Josephus’ rendition of 1 Chronicles 22 with that of the earlier Hellenistic-Jewish historian Eupolemus.

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