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Document Details : Title: L'écrit sur la tradition de Saint Sahak Subtitle: Les soubresauts de la politique fiscale de l'Église arménienne du VIIe au Xe siècle Author(s): MARDIROSSIAN, A. Journal: Le Muséon Volume: 119 Issue: 3-4 Date: 2006 Pages: 375-397 DOI: 10.2143/MUS.119.3.2017953 Abstract : The evolution of the canonical text called The Writing on the Tradition by S. Sahak, catholicos of the Armenians presents a loyal reflection on the fiscal ground of the political-religious evolution of the Armenian Church between the VIIth and the Xth century. This text was composed by Yovhannēs Mayragomec‘i at the beginning of the VIIth century in order to support financially a maximalistic ecclesiastical power which overbalanced toward the theocracy. One century later, the catholicos Yovhannēs Awjnec‘i did not insert The Writing on the Tradition in his official canonical collection of the Church (the Kanonagirk‘ Hayoc'). Promoter of an anti-chalcedonian doctrine, the catholicos wished, inter alios, to annihilate the theocratic overstatements of the Julianists. Confronted to a massive dyophysitic revival in the Xth century, the catholicos Anania Mokac'i inserted The Writing on the Tradition in the Kanonagir‘ Hayoc' in order to obtain the adhesion of the whole clergy to his violently anti-chalcedonian political organized around an ecclesiastical hierarchy strongly centralized. At three key moments of the medieval history of the Armenian Church, The Writing on the Tradition appears clearly like an essential stake in the political leaded by the ecclesiastical power. |