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Document Details : Title: 'The Place of Splendor and Light' Subtitle: Observations on the Paraphrasing of Enn 4.8.1. in the Theology of Aristotle Author(s): BUCUR, C. , BUCUR, B.G. Journal: Le Muséon Volume: 119 Issue: 3-4 Date: 2006 Pages: 271-292 DOI: 10.2143/MUS.119.3.2017949 Abstract : The Arabic paraphrase of Enn 4.8.1 seems to conflate the noetic and transnoetic accounts found in the Plotinian corpus, in order to furnish a complete depiction of the mystical life. In its own account of the ascent of the soul, the Theology of Aristotle uses terms drawn from the vocabulary of Syriac Christian ascetical and mystical literature, and appears to be aware of certain debates between various types of pagan and Christian Neoplatonism. Moreover, its treatment of pagan philosophers follows an established Patristic topos. It appears, therefore, that the use of Christian elements in the Theology of Aristotle is not minimal and accidental, but rather purposeful, relatively numerous and substantial. The conclusions reached in this essay lend additional support to the so-called Himsī hypothesis, and to Cristina D'Ancona Costa's already richly substantiated thesis that the Neoplatonism of the Ps.-Areopagitica was an important factor in shaping the Arabic adoption and adaptation of Plotinus and Proclus. |