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Document Details :

Title: Gavin D'Costa's Trinitarian Theology of Religions
Author(s): PLATA, Przemyslaw
Journal: Louvain Studies
Volume: 30    Issue: 4   Date: winter 2005   
Pages: 299-324
DOI: 10.2143/LS.30.4.2017536

Abstract :
This article presents and evaluates Gavin D’Costa’s attempt to develop a Trinitarian framework for the consideration of the relationship between Christianity and other religious traditions. This approach would be open to the challenge of the ‘otherness’ represented by different religions and at the same time faithful to the Christian tradition. In D’Costa’s view, the relationship between the Holy Spirit (who through the community of the Church leads creation to eschatological fulfillment) and Jesus Christ (the incarnate Word of God) opens the possibility to treat other religions with due respect, without impairing Christian identity and commitment. By means of an attentive and respectful approach to the ‘otherness’ represented by different religious traditions, the Church has the possibility to discover the Triune God and its own identity more profoundly and achieve its own fulfillment. The first two parts of this essay investigate the Christology and the Pneumatology of D’Costa’s theology of religions. The third section focuses on the tension between Christology and Pneumatology, and attempts to offer some critical observations regarding several aspects of D’Costa’s project.

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