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Document Details : Title: Assyriologie Author(s): Journal: Bibliotheca Orientalis Volume: 55 Issue: 3-4 Date: mei - augustus 1998 Pages: 443-473 DOI: 10.2143/BIOR.55.3.2015865 Abstract : ARCHI, Alfonso, Francesco, POMPONIO, Giovanni BERGAMINI —Testi Cuneiformi Neo-Sumerici da Umma. NN. 0413-0723. Parte I - I testi. / Parte II - Le impronte di sigillo a cura di Giovanni Bergamini. (Catalogo del Museo Egizio di Torino, serie seconda - collezioni, 8). Museo Egizio, Torino, 1995. SALLABERGER, W., M. CIVIL — Der babylonische Töpfer und seine Gefässe nach Urkunden alt-sumerischer bis altbabylonischer Zeit sowie lexikalischen und literarischen Zeugnissen. (Mesopotamian History & Environtment, Series II, vol. 3). Recherches et Publications, Neuchâtel, 1996. MUHAMED, Ahmad Kamil — Old Babylonian Cuneiform Texts from the Hamrin Basin. (Edubba, 1). NABU Booksellers & Publishers, London, 1992. AINEY, Anson F. — Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets: a Linguistic Analysis of the Mixed Dialect used by the Scribes from Canaan. Vol. I: Orthography, Phonology, Morphosyntactic Analysis of the Pronouns, Nouns, Numerals. Vol. II: Morphosyntactic Analysis of the Verbal System. Vol. III: Morphosyntactic Analysis of the Particles and Adverbs. Vol. IV: References and Index of Texts Cited. COGAN, Mordechai, and Israel EPH'AL (eds.) — Ah, Assyria. Studies in Assyrian History and Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Presented to Hayim Tadmor. Scripta Hierosolymitana, Volume XXXIII. The Magnes Press. The Hebrew University Jerusalem 1991. JURSA, Michael — Die Landwirtschaft in Sippar in neubabylonischer Zeit. (Archiv für Orientforschung, Beiheft 25). Institut für Orientalistik, Wien, 1995. |