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Document Details : Title: Entre néo-égyptien et démotique Subtitle: La langue utilisée dans la traduction du Ritiuel de repousser l'Agressif (Études sur la diglossie I) Author(s): VERNUS, Pascal Journal: Revue d'Égyptologie Volume: 41 Date: 1990 Pages: 153-208 DOI: 10.2143/RE.41.0.2011318 Abstract : The Ritual of repelling the Agressive one is known by manuscripts of the fourth century BC. In one of them, a translation was added to the basic version, written in égyptien de tradition (i.e. in a language that keeps classical Egyptian as a model). This translation involves a language which could not reflect a vernacular of Dynasty 25 or of the beginning of Dynasty 26; it is surely more evolved than Late Egyptian from the New Kingdom and from the Libyan Period. On the other hand, it does not share the most recent innovations which show up in demotic texts such a P. Rylands IX. |