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Document Details : Title: Phrase nominale, identité et substitution dans les Textes des Sarcophages (deuxième partie) Author(s): DORET, Éric Journal: Revue d'Égyptologie Volume: 41 Date: 1990 Pages: 39-56 DOI: 10.2143/RE.41.0.2011311 Abstract : The second part of this contribution deals with personal pronouns, which the Stoic grammarians called 'antonyms', and which act as a substitute for the noun par excellence, that is to say, the proper noun. Antonym pronouns and proper nouns can function as rhemes in the following Egyptian sentence constructions: the cleft sentence, noun + pw, and noun + sw. Their two main characteristics motivate the presence of certain types of nouns within the same paradigm: the high degree of specificity on the one hand (inalienable and unique nouns), and the resistance to determination on the other (generic terms, names of abstract notions and material substances). The Coffin Texts represent a moment in the language in which the generic terms were introduced as the first member of the cleft sentence. But only the construction noun + pw, especially in its form jr A B pw, in a metalinguistic sense, comprises the name of an abstract notion as rheme, which - in the Coffin Texts - is not the case with the names of material substances. |