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Document Details : Title: Revealing the Holy Subtitle: Interchurch Families on the Path to Christian Unity Author(s): TEMMERMAN, Ray , TEMMERMAN, Fenella Journal: Marriage, Families & Spirituality Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Date: Autumn 2000 Pages: 192-198 DOI: 10.2143/INT.6.2.2004583 Abstract : nterchurch couples come together, in love, from two different Christian traditions, and discover they share one baptism, one faith, one Lord, one God who is Father of us all. They experience the unity which the churches proclaim, as well as the divide between the proclamation and the regulations under which they are called to live. They discover that despite their unity in baptism and marriage, the churches make it difficult for couples to follow the call of Christ to celebrate and receive together at the same eucharistic table. They experience pastoral responses to their needs varying considerably, not just according to geographical and ecclesial boundaries but even between pastors of the same church. They find that in many practical ways, especially when it comes to raising their children, the scandal of churches divided impacts heavily and negatively on family and daily life. Despite these difficulties, they also discover deep spiritual riches in their shared churches, and find themselves drawn together and nourished by Christ in the very hunger of their eucharist fast. As they travel on their journey, their experience of an ecumenical gift exchange informs their churches, revealing the holiness and reality of Christian unity. |