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Document Details :

Title: 'Eltern und Kinder in die Mitte nehmen'
Subtitle: Familienkatechese zeigt Wege in die Gottesbeziehung
Author(s): BIESINGER, Albert
Journal: Marriage, Families & Spirituality
Volume: 8    Issue: 2   Date: Autumn 2002   
Pages: 297-300
DOI: 10.2143/INT.8.2.2004446

Abstract :
Children are naturally concerned about religious questions, and their parents are the best suited for communicating faith to them. However, many adults find it difficult to discuss faith with their children. There are several books available now to help. They enable parents to do catechesis at home, giving them the structure and examples that help them to address religious matters in the children’s own language. Albert Biesinger, Professor of Religious Education at the Faculty of Theology in Tübingen (Germany), has developed a new concept of family catechesis which he presents in the following article.

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