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Document Details : Title: Aramaic in Iran Author(s): SKJÆRVØ, Prods Octor Journal: ARAM Periodical Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Date: 1995 Pages: 283-318 DOI: 10.2143/ARAM.7.2.2002232 Abstract : This article has a dual purpose. First, I wish to remind Aramaists of a relatively important corpus of Aramaic texts on Iranian ground which has so far received but little and scattered attention. A comprehensive study of this corpus is a desideratum for both Aramaic and for Iranian studies. Second, I need to respond to a recent article by an Aramaist (Toll, “Die aramäischen Ideogramme”, 1990), in which a theory of the origin of the so-called Aramaic heterograms or ideograms (see below) in Iranian is proposed which departs from all previous theories. In my opinion the theory has a deficient material basis and therefore leads to erroneous conclusions. It is, however, the only such study by an Aramaist, and one of prominent academic lineage at that, and miscellaneous doubtful (if not wrong) forms deduced from the heterograms have now found their way into Hoftijzer-Jongeling. I was encouraged by the author some time ago (letter of 9 September 1990) to (re)publish my arguments in favor of a modified “standard” theory. This is the first and best opportunity I have had to do so. |