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Document Details : Title: Oboda Subtitle: A Major Caravan Halt Author(s): NEGEV, Avraham Journal: ARAM Periodical Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Date: 1996 Pages: 67-87 DOI: 10.2143/ARAM.8.1.2002186 Abstract : Oboda, and not Eboda as it has very often mistakenly been named, is the best known, and most fully described Nabatean caravan halt. It contained most elements present in a major caravan halt. As indicated by coins found in the Nabatean potter’s workshop and by pottery found in various loci at Oboda, Nabatean Oboda was in existence from the late fourth to the second century BC. Small quantities of Hellenistic pottery were found all over the site. No solid architecture pertaining to the Early Nabatean period has been observed at Oboda, and the occupants of the site at that time seem to have lived in tents. Remains of an early fireplace of such an encampment were discovered beneath the floors of a first century BC. or AD. house in the vicinity of the Nabatean military camp (see below). Whether Oboda already served as a caravan halt at this early period is yet to be determined by research. |