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Document Details : Title: Northeastern Syria and Adjoining Parts of Iraq and Turkey under Early Ottoman Rule (16th century) Author(s): HÜTTEROTH, Wolf Journal: ARAM Periodical Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2 Date: 1998 Pages: 357-363 DOI: 10.2143/ARAM.10.1.2002148 Abstract : This is a report about studies carried out by Nejat Göyünc, Istanbul and the author during the years 1987-1997, on the subject of settlement development in Ottoman times. The research is based on tax registers of the 16th century which exist in Istanbul Bashvekalet Arshivi and in the Ankara Tapu ve Kadastro Arshivi. The existence of these materials has been known for several decades, although scientific work on them has been hindered by the difficulty of reading handwriting materials over 400 years old, by the administrative script of the defterhane of that time, and partly by the present access policy of the government. |