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Document Details :

Title: Again on Tang-i Sarvak II, NE-side.
Subtitle: Goddesses do not have moustaches and do not wear trousers
Author(s): HAERINCK, Ernie
Journal: Iranica Antiqua
Volume: 38    Date: 2003   
Pages: 221-245
DOI: 10.2143/IA.38.0.140

Abstract :
With this note it is certainly not our intention to come back on the numerous problems concerning the interpretation of the Tang-i Sarvak site. Only do we want to draw attention to some minor, but nonetheless important details. Our observations deal particularly with the NE-side of Block II. On this side, figure two inscriptions, a small panel with three standing figures and a larger panel (H.: 2.15m.; L.: 4m.), with a person reclining on a decorated couch, and behind him a person holding a cornucopia. A similar figure holding a horn of abundance is probably also represented at Kuh-i Tina , but certainly does occur at Masdjid-i Soleiman and Bard-i Neshandeh. In front of the reclining person sit two persons (each 2 m. high). The one closest to the klinè wears a kind of helmet (with a tail on top?) with a downward turned brim and the other one, on the left side of the panel, from the point of view of the visitor, has a radiating halo ending in small balls on top of his head, as a kind of crown. The helmeted figure holds a spear, with the point upright, while the haloed person holds a staff ending on top in a ball.

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