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Document Details :

Title: Tepe Yahya, Tell Abraq and the Chronology of the Bampur sequence
Author(s): POTTS, D.T.
Journal: Iranica Antiqua
Volume: 38    Date: 2003   
Pages: 1-24
DOI: 10.2143/IA.38.0.134

Abstract :
With the publication of the final reports on Tepe Yahya periods V (Beale 1986), IVC and IVB (Potts 2001), the dating of the Bampur sequence should be reconsidered. Moreover, Bampur-type black-on-grey ceramics from a well-dated, late 3rd millennium tomb at Tell Abraq provide yet another chronological fixed point. The availability of this data, lacking when debate over the chronology of Bampur was at its height, prompts me to return to the subject here in the hope that certain problems can be solved and impressions dispelled to which relatively little attention has been paid in recent years.

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