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Document Details :

Title: Porneia and the Matthean Exception (Matt 5,32; 19,9)
Author(s): COLAUTTI, Federico M.
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 102    Issue: 4   Date: 2021   
Pages: 560-572
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.102.4.3290257

Abstract :
The so-called Matthean exception to the indissolubility of marriage (Matt 5,32; 19,9) is a crux interpretum. This article proposes that the word porneia has a technical meaning in these passages, which derives from the Old Testament and early Jewish identification of idolatry with prostitution (not 'holy prostitution'). Paul knows of this connection (1 Cor 6,15-20) in his instructions about Christian life in 1 Corinthians 5-7 and, according to him, the believer may remarry if the non-Christian spouse decides to leave (1 Cor 7,15). This Pauline exception is the key to understanding the Matthean one.

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