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Document Details :

Title: Les Juifs selon les Actes des Apôtres et les Épîtres du Nouveau Testament
Author(s): VANHOYE, Albert
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 72    Issue: 1   Date: 1991   
Pages: 70-89
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.72.1.3217708

Abstract :
In the relationships between the early Church and the Jewish people, the Acts and the epistles show constants and variants. Among the constants we find especially the bond of brotherhood between the first believers and the children of Israel, and the conviction that the Jews are the privileged recipients of the Paschal message. The variants concern the reception given to the Gospel and to the Church. This changes according to the places and the categories of persons (people, priests, authorities) and it follows an evolution which goes from initial good will to generalized opposition. The Pauline epistles go into the question from the doctrinal point of view; they go from polemic to a respect which is full of hope before the 'mystery' of Israel's destiny.

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