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Document Details :

Title: Israel’s Retreat and the Failure of Prophecy in 2 Kings 3
Author(s): CHISHOLM, Robert B.
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 92    Issue: 1   Date: 2011   
Pages: 70-80
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.92.1.3188796

Abstract :
This is not a story of failed or deceptive prophecy, but rather an account of Israel’s failure in the face of opposition. YAHWEH’s promise was inherently contingent upon Israel’s willingness to bring it to completion. Their failure to do so is not surprising. Jehoram’s partial success in battle ironically mirrors his partial commitment to YAHWEH (vv. 1-3). As such, the concluding report of Israel’s retreat combines with the introductory report to form a thematic inclusio for the chapter: Those whose commitment to YAHWEH is half-hearted invariably forfeit his blessing.

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