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Document Details :

Title: Culture sourde, droit canonique et déontologie professionnelle
Subtitle: Réflexion à partir des interprètes pour Sours
Author(s): BAMBERG, Anne
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 81    Issue: 1   Date: April 2005   
Pages: 200-213
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.81.1.616511

Abstract :
The Code of Canon Law mentions the intervention of an interpreter in the context of canonical trials as well as for the celebration of the sacraments of penance (c. 990) and marriage (c. 1106). The deaf person is specifically named in canon 1471 where the legislator recommends that a sworn interpreter be employed for the interrogation of persons using a language which is not understood by the judges. The present study examines canonical and ethical questions concerning interpreters for the Deaf: the difficult choice of a sworn sign language interpreter, confidentiality and canonical secrecy, the proper and faithful fulfilment of the function. The author gives preference to interpreters who have good professional standards and follow a code of ethics. Since Deaf culture is still quite unknown the interpreter should also be able to assure cultural mediation.

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