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Document Details :

Title: Die Anfänge der römischen Herrschaft in Nubien und der Konflikt zwischen Rom und Meroe
Author(s): LOCHER, Josef
Journal: Ancient Society
Volume: 32    Date: 2002   
Pages: 73-133
DOI: 10.2143/AS.32.0.57

Abstract :
When Octavianus the declared that Aegyptus part was of the Roman Empire, he took a part which formerly belonged to Aethiopia, namelyTriakontaschoinos, the land of the thirty miles. This piece of land, in what now is called 'Lower Nubia', was since the 2 century BC under Ptolemaic control. The Meroitic empire lived in peace with the Ptolemies, as shown by the different treaties signed at the very end of the Ptolemaic reign in order to save them for the Romans. Peace remained until April 29 BC, when the Romans installed a tyrannus in Triakontaschoinos. The Aethiopians saw this act as a threat of the Roman empire towards them. In the fall of 25 BC Aethiopians crossed the border and attacked the cities of Syene, Elephantine, and Philae. The present article deals on the reasons for this aggression.

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