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Document Details :

Title: Marriage and Family between Tradition and Contemporary Life in the Orthodox Spirituality
Author(s): DUMITRAŞCU, Nicu
Journal: Marriage, Families & Spirituality
Volume: 18    Issue: 1   Date: 2012   
Pages: 33-41
DOI: 10.2143/INT.18.1.2164160

Abstract :
Marriage was traditionally viewed as a yoking-together, a sacrament in allowing men and women to engage in a mutually-dependent life, where the couple was engaged in complementary, gender-specific roles to support a family. While not denying that women’s emancipation has brought about numerous advantages, modern marriage has increasingly become a business partnership in which both members pursue individual interests; a situation reinforced by economic migration, which can lead to long-term separation of husband and wife, reinforce alienation from each other as well as from the country and culture of origin, and can cause suffering to children. Due to the fundamental role of the family in any society, this situation cannot be ignored.

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