1 - 1 - 
Obituary Note

abstract details

3 - 26 - 
'Called by Name'
Anonymity and Naming in the Johannine Tradition
LIEU, Judith M.

abstract details

27 - 42 - 
Exegesis Supporting Metaphysics
Eusebius of Caesarea's Use of Prosōpon and its Hypostatic Associations
MAGREE, Michael C.

abstract details

43 - 72 - 
Jerome's Principles of Biblical Translation in the Context of Classical and Sacred Ideals
GRAVES, Michael

abstract details

73 - 102 - 
The Emperor Julian and Cyril of Alexandria on Human Nature, Ethnicity, and Moral Progress
CRAWFORD, Matthew R.

abstract details

103 - 129 - 
The Interpretation of the Seven Trumpets in Oecumenius' Commentary on the Apocalypse

abstract details

131 - 161 - 
Transatlantische Austauschprozesse zwischen dem deutschsprachigen und dem US-amerikanischen Katholizismus
Von der Kolonialzeit bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg
DAHLKE, Benjamin

abstract details

163 - 183 - 
Book Reviews

abstract details

185 - 190 - 
Books Received 2023

abstract details