1 - 5 - 
The Proskynetarion from the Monastery of the Holy Cross and the Map of the Holy Land
ARAD, Pnina

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7 - 37 - 
Holy Men in Ethiopia
The Wall Paintings in the Church of Abunä Abrəham Däbrä Səyon (Gär'alta, Təgray)
TRIBE, Tania C.

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39 - 49 - 
Zu Decke und Dach der Theotokoskirche des Katherinenklosters im Sinai

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51 - 65 - 
Élite civile et 'mécanat'
Le rôle du commanditaire dans le développement des arts et des lettres en Égypte chez les coptes du Xe au XIVe siècle
JEUDY, Adeline

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67 - 86 - 
The Church at the Jerusalem Gate in Crusader Ascalon
A Rough Tolerance of Byzantine Culture?
PEERS, Glenn

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87 - 118 - 
A Byzantine Cloisonné Triptych in the State Hermitage Museum
From the Monastery of Saydnaya to St Petersburg

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119 - 126 - 
La Transfiguration du Christ, une vision éminente
Représenter Philippe à la place de Jacques à l'église Betä Maryam à Lalibäla en Éthiopie
SEMOGLOU, Athanassios

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127 - 139 - 
A Syriac Glorification of the Virgin
Preliminary Remarks on The Mother and Child Enthroned in London Add. 7170 and Vatican Syr. 559
SMINE, Rima E.

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141 - 149 - 
Book Reviews

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