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Document Details :

Title: A New Index to Hatch and Redpath
Author(s): MURAOKA, T.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 73    Issue: 4   Date: Dec. 1997   
Pages: 257-276
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.73.4.504827

Abstract :
Throughout the ages people were interested in the relationship between a given word in the LXX and its Hebrew or Aramaic equivalent, and this for a whole range of reasons. New Testament scholars, particularly those working on the Synoptic Gospels, were desperately in need of such information. Those who regarded the LXX primarily as a rich mine of possible variants for the text-critical study of the Hebrew Bible had to be able to retrovert the Greek of the LXX to Hebrew, and such a task naturally presupposed the presence of the sort of information we are talking about here. One of the uses to which Hatch and Redpath's concordance (henceforward: HR) has been put over the past hundred years is precisely this. Obviously HR themselves regarded this information of vital importance, hence the list of numbered Hebrew/Aramaic words at the beginning of each entry and an index of Hebrew/Aramaic words as part of the Supplement volume.

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