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Document Details :

Title: Junction of Traditions in Edessa: Possible Interaction between Mesopotamian Mythological and Jewish Mystical Traditions in the First Centuries CE
Author(s): ARBEL, Daphna V.
Journal: ARAM Periodical
Volume: 12    Date: 1999-2000   
Pages: 335-356
DOI: 10.2143/ARAM.12.0.504474

Abstract :
The author first examines evidence of possible interaction between themes from the Mesopotamian mythological tradition and the Jewish Hekhalot and Merkavah literature. Then, specific traces of Mesopotamian mythological imagery in this mystical literature are examined. Three factors in particular seem to be significant in an examination of such possible cultural interaction. First, according to archaeological remains, inscriptions and literary sources from Edessa, one can see traces of the lasting presence of ancient Mesopotamian mythology during the first few centuries CE. Second, in Edessa there was a strong presence of Jewish community and traditions. Third, the syncretistic atmosphere in Edessa and other cities during the first few centuries CE of the Greco-Roman period allowed a fluid exchange of ideas between diverse traditions.

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