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Document Details :

Title: Geen betere bom dan een gedicht
Subtitle: Satre over Mallarmés radicale engagement
Author(s): WELTEN, Ruud
Journal: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
Volume: 80    Issue: 2   Date: 2018   
Pages: 217-239
DOI: 10.2143/TVF.80.2.3285300

Abstract :
Jean-Paul Sartre is famous for his opinions on literature and engagement. His strong interest in the poet Mallarmé is less well known and, moreover, unexpected when one relies on his better-known texts about engagement. The posthumous text Mallarmé: La lucidité et sa face d’ombre reveals a vision of Sartre’s ideas about language and engagement that has never been properly studied. This article wants to fill this gap. To this end, it is necessary to consider the text on Mallarmé in light of the development of Sartre’s thinking. It appears that Mallarmé is a key figure in Sartre’s work: from Mallarmé’s viewpoint, at least according to Sartre, engagement can no longer be regarded in terms of literary interference with society. It is rather about the complete destruction of phantasmagoric language. This thesis is developed by further examining Sartre’s existential psychoanalysis, which in fact encompasses a literary science.

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