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Document Details :

Title: Lists of Gods on Papyri and in the Hermeneumata Pseudo-Dositheana
Subtitle: A Comparative Study
Author(s): HUYS, Marc , PITTOMVILS, Ann
Journal: Ancient Society
Volume: 38    Date: 2008   
Pages: 285-316
DOI: 10.2143/AS.38.0.2033279

Abstract :
Lists of divinities are a standard part of the thematic glossaries of the bilingual schoolbook Hermeneumata Pseudo-Dositheana, of which different versions have been preserved mainly in Western manuscripts of the 9th and 10th centuries. On the other hand, several monolingual as well as bilingual god-lists are extant in papyri from the 3rd cent. BC to the 3rd-4th cent. AD. This article offers a detailed comparison of these ancient and medieval lists (including those of the Hermeneumata Celtis) in order to determine whether there is some kind of continuity from the ancient god-lists found in papyri and ostraca to the lists in the medieval manuscripts of the Hermeneumata. We are able to show that there was at least an undeniable general correspondence between the two groups of texts, and to reveal their connection with ancient lexicographical literature. At the same time, the dissimilarities within and between the two groups seem to confirm the opinion of Dionisotti that we cannot speak of a traditional stemma or of an ‘archetype’ for the Hermeneumata schoolbooks in general nor for each of its sections.

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