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Document Details :

Title: Het korte lied over de moord op graaf Floris V.
Subtitle: Een nieuwe versie in het handschrift-Jochems
Author(s): VAN ANROOIJ, Wim
Journal: Spiegel der Letteren
Volume: 44    Issue: 4   Date: 2002   
Pages: 299-321
DOI: 10.2143/SDL.44.4.354

Abstract :
In 1999 a single-leaf manuscript (i.e. a separate single-leaf not attached to any type of binding) from the sixteenth century — the ‘Jochems Manuscript’ — was discovered in a private collection. It is paper, covered on both sides, and contains the so-called ‘shorter version’ of the song about the murder of Floris V, Count of Holland († 1296). Its forty stanzas make this the longest version of all known songs on the subject. The song probably originated in Alkmaar at the end of the fifteenth century. This article provides an edition of the text. It also contains a description of the Jochems Manuscript and a study of the literary tradition of the song. The text was known to scholars in the eighteenth century, but has since been forgotten.

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