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Document Details :

Title: Als het 'universeel heilssacrament' gered moet worden
Subtitle: Schillebeeckx als bron voor theologen die reageren op de misbruikcrisis in de katholieke kerk
Author(s): MROZ, Kate
Journal: Tijdschrift voor Theologie
Volume: 60    Issue: 2   Date: 2020   
Pages: 147-157
DOI: 10.2143/TVT.60.2.3287675

Abstract :
According to Edward Schillebeeckx, in a time of urgent need, alternative praxis may possess an ‘inherent apostolicity’ even before it is sanctioned by the Magisterium. The release of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report in August 2018, documenting several decades of clergy sexual abuse, indicates that the Church is in a time of ‘urgent need’. While it does not offer a clear solution, this essay explores how Schillebeeckx’s soteriology and ecclesiology may be a valuable resource for Catholic theologians who seek to respond to the present situation in which many people no longer experience the Church as a ‘sacrament of salvation’, and are starting to believe that the only way forward is to leave the Church behind. First, it discusses the Church as the sacrament of dialogue, and how the Church might benefit from dialogue with secularism. Second, it talks about Schillebeeckx’s understanding of the term ‘salvation’, that is to be understood as something more than just getting to heaven, but truly involves what is going on in this world. Finally, it illustrates how the notion of the negative contrast experience may be a helpful way of framing the issues currently going on in the Catholic Church.

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