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Document Details :

Title: The Fourth Gospel’s Reversal of Mark in John 13,31-14,3
Author(s): JENNINGS, Mark
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 94    Issue: 2   Date: 2013   
Pages: 210-236
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.94.2.3186148

Abstract :
I argue that the author/s of the Fourth Gospel knew Mark, based on the reversal of certain Markan themes found in John. No attempt is made here to suggest the kind of literary dependence which is the basis of the Synoptic problem. Rather, my thesis is that the author/s of John may have used Mark from memory, writing deliberately to reverse the apocalyptic tendencies found in the Second Gospel. Isolated incidents of this possible reversal demonstrate little, but this paper proposes that the cumulative force of many such reversals supports the thesis of John's possible knowledge of Mark.

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