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Document Details :

Title: Church and State in the Netherlands in 1999
Author(s): VAN BIJSTERVELD, Sophie C.
Journal: European Journal for Church and State Research - Revue européenne des relations Églises-État
Volume: 7    Date: 2000   
Pages: 189-193
DOI: 10.2143/EJCS.7.0.565582

Abstract :
Although various developments have taken place in the field of Church and State relations, 1999 was a relatively calm year. For the most part, the developments that have taken place were a continuance of what was already implied in 1998.
The developments concerning classic legal Church and State relationships that will be dealt with in this contribution focus mainly on three types of issues. The first concerns the “recognition” of religious denominations in the context of law. The second is related to the implementation of the Equal Treatment Act. The third concerns freedom of (religious) expression.

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