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Document Details :

Title: Die verkehrte Welt
Author(s): LI, Yichao
Journal: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
Volume: 86    Issue: 2   Date: 2024   
Pages: 261-290
DOI: 10.2143/TVF.86.2.3293673

Abstract :
Hegel’s concept of the Inverted World, as expounded in the chapter titled 'Force and Understanding' in his seminal work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, stands as a momentous yet enigmatic element in the realm of Hegelian scholarship. Contemporary scholars, such as Hans Georg Gadamer, have largely approached this chapter from a comparative perspective, drawing upon theories rooted in the history of philosophy and culture. However, they have often fallen short of comprehending its underlying systematic framework. In contrast, this article delves into the original isomorphic context within Hegel’s systematic philosophy, painstakingly tracing the Inverted World to its precise logical foundation and its connection to pertinent elements within the annals of knowledge history. The article begins by elucidating the phases and norms that culminate in the emergence of the Inverted World. It proceeds to draw parallels between the Inverted World and the concept of logical Reciprocity, as well as the laws of electromagnetic and chemical reciprocity found within Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature. It posits that the inverted world, together with its logical foundation and physical premises, collectively unveils the ultimate principle of the ‘Concept’.

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