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Document Details :

Title: Het probleem van de subjectiviteit
Subtitle: Deleuze leest Hume
Author(s): VINCKEN, Simon
Journal: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
Volume: 86    Issue: 2   Date: 2024   
Pages: 201-227
DOI: 10.2143/TVF.86.2.3293671

Abstract :
Empirisme et subjectivité: Essai sur la nature humaine selon Hume, published in 1953, marks the beginning of the philosophical oeuvre of Gilles Deleuze. This book focuses on the issue of subjectivity — an issue that Deleuze thinks through as radically as possible in order to arrive at a metaphysics that is thoroughly contingent. In light of this aim, Deleuze reads Hume in a specific way: not as a prelude to Kant’s philosophy — as has happened too often in the history of philosophy — but as an original thinker who can be a wellspring of inspiration for any philosophy that promotes the ‘decentering of the subject’. This article shows how Deleuze arrives at that novel reading, by re-examining empiricism as an epistemological-ontological position, its ethical aspects, and how they both together determine Hume’s comprehensive theory of the subject. Finally, the importance of this reading for the development of Deleuze’s own thinking is briefly discussed.

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