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Document Details :

Title: Some Textual and Lexical Notes to the Peshitta of Leviticus
Author(s): ZIPOR, Moshe A.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 81    Issue: 4   Date: December 2005   
Pages: 468-476
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.81.4.2004477

Abstract :
The critical edition, prepared by the Peshitta Institute of Leiden is a diplomatic edition, based mainly on Codex Ambrosianus B.21 with some deviations according to strict rules. Emendations are introduced only if they are supported by extant Syriac reading in manuscripts prior to the 12th century conjectured readings are never used.
However, history of textual criticism may supply many examples of intuitive conjectures, refuted by scholars due to the lack of any extant documentation, and later proven accurate with the discovery of new material, for example the Dead Sea Scrolls. The author brings cases where simple conjectural emendations (e.g. such of exchange of כ/ב, ד/ר, or similar Schreibfehler) are the only solution of enigmatic passages. For example, in Lev 24,4 על מנרתא דכתא (or דכ יתא “pure”) should be read (= MT) rather than רבתא “great”. Similarly, the Aramaic translations (Targumim) as well as relevant material in Rabbinic literature should be used as prooftext. The article also deals with some cases where the Peshitta reflects another Hebrew Vorlage. Thus the transposition in the Peshitta at Lev 26,42-45 makes the passage comprehensible.

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