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Document Details :

Title: An Opportunity for Truth and Justice
Subtitle: The Unification of Europe as a Challenge to Church and University
Author(s): VAN LUYN, Adrian H.
Journal: Louvain Studies
Volume: 28    Issue: 2   Date: summer 2003   
Pages: 83-98
DOI: 10.2143/LS.28.2.583476

Abstract :
The ‘dies academicus’, a feast day for the theological and philosophical faculties of the Catholic University of Leuven, comes as a welcome day of celebration for professors, students and visitors alike. Its annual recurrence dispenses us from asking whether such a feast – albeit an academic one – is really appropriate under the current circumstances in which we live. The tradition of celebrating this day permits us, nevertheless, to gather in good spirits and with joyful expectations, in spite of the fact that war is at the door. At the same time, the fear of God and our concern for the many innocent victims of such a conflict prevents us from closing our eyes completely. Given the actors involved and the strategic significance of the conflict, the potential consequences for the world as a whole are unimaginable.

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