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Document Details :

Title: Introduction
Author(s): PUGLISI, James F.
Journal: Louvain Studies
Volume: 21    Issue: 2   Date: summer 1996   
Pages: 109-112
DOI: 10.2143/LS.21.2.583425

Abstract :
The idea for a symposium around the theme of apostolic succession grew out of some remarks which Dr. Mary Tanner made during her participation in a 'round table' discussion in March 1995 at a conference on Catholic-Lutheran relations. The context of Dr. Tanner's remarks was the text of the Porvoo Common Statement agreed at the fourth plenary meeting in Finland in October 1992. It was precisely the statement's section dealing with the ministry of episkope and episcopal succession which caused me to reflect on what the implications could be for a broader ecclesial exploration of this theme.

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