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Document Details :

Title: The Order of the Gospels and the Making of a Synopsis
Author(s): NEIRYNCK, F.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 61    Issue: 1   Date: April 1985   
Pages: 161-166
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.61.1.556303

Abstract :
"This Synopsis is an entirely new conception... It is the first synopsis to adopt the column-order: Mt-Lk-Mk-Jn, an order which corresponds to the chronological order of composition according to the Two-Gospel Hypothesis" (xv). This is indeed the most characteristic feature of J.B. Orchard's new Synopsis' : Luke has been taken as the mean between Matthew and Mark to provide an illustration of the Griesbach hypothesis . In the author's view, the current synopses with the column-order Mt-Mk-Lk "tend to support and illustrate as well as possible all theories of Markan Priority, but are real obstacles to the perception and illustration of any contradictory theory" (xii).

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