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Document Details :

Title: Paul's Speech to the Ephesian Elders
Subtitle: Its Structure
Author(s): KILGALLEN, J.J.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 70    Issue: 1   Date: April 1994   
Pages: 112-121
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.70.1.542199

Abstract :
There has been a measure of disagreement as regards the literary structure of Paul's speech to the Ephesian elders at Miletus (Acts 20,18b-35). Years ago, Jan Lambrecht listed a few of the opinions of scholars and added his own. After noting J. Dupont's view that “the plethora of views ‘invite à n'aborder qu'avec beaucoup de prudence une question qui paraît bien difficile; il n'est d'ailleurs pas exclu que cette structure reste finalement très imprécise’”, Professor Lambrecht suggested four sets of data which must be considered in structuring this speech and four structures, then added his own, new structure for this speech. While one should consult Lambrecht's article for its rich data and its evaluations of the many suggestions made by exegetes, it is worthwhile here to glimpse what he has summarized, so as to appreciate the kinds of criteria exegetes have used by which to determine the structure of this speech, and a few of their proposed structures.

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