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Document Details :

Title: The Minor Agreements and Lk 10,25-28
Author(s): NEIRYNCK, F.
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 71    Issue: 1   Date: April 1995   
Pages: 151-160
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.71.1.504884

Abstract :
In a recently published essay I studied the minor agreements used by some scholars for expanding Q to triple-tradition passages. I examined Q 3,2-4; 3,21- 22; 6,12-16; 10,25-28; 12,1b; 17,2; 17,31 as possible candidates for inclusion in Q and had to conclude that “in none of them the Matthew-Luke agreements against Mark seem to provide conclusive evidence”. One of these passages, the pericope of the Great Commandment, was studied again, and more extensively, with regard to the alternative theory of Luke’s use of Matthew. It is to this last essay that R.H. Gundry now responds with a Rejoinder.

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