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Document Details :

Title: Creation Motifs in John 9
Author(s): SHOUKRY, Zacharias
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 102    Issue: 4   Date: 2021   
Pages: 573-584
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.102.4.3290258

Abstract :
This article addresses the question of whether the healing of the man born blind in John 9 can be interpreted within the frame of creation theology. Of particular interest are the following motifs and words: blindness/seeing the light (9,1.5), birth (9,1), the contrast between day and night (9,4), the Sabbath (9,14.16), the reference to the beginning of the world (9,32), the 'works' (ἔργα, 9,3-4), the Kyrios-address (9,36.38) and, most importantly, the mud (9,6). The tradition-historical analysis indicates that these motifs, as well as Jesus’ actions (spitting, making, forming), can be interpreted as creational activity.

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