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Document Details :

Title: Textual Plurality in the Pesharim
Author(s): BROOKE, George J.
Journal: Revue de Qumran
Volume: 30    Issue: 2   Date: numéro 112, 2018   
Pages: 143-157
DOI: 10.2143/RQ.30.2.3285628

Abstract :
This paper argues against the idea that any of the pesharim are textual autographs. Plurality will be demonstrated in four ways. First, the demonstration will be made through discussion of the ways in which the lemmata and comments in the pesharim both in various ways indicate an ongoing awareness and use of textual pluralism. Second, the textual pluralism of the pesharim themselves will be highlighted through attention to the internal developments within some of the pesharim - diachronic plurality. Third, textual pluralism will be underlined through describing the examples where there is more than one commentary on the same scriptural base text - synchronic plurality. Fourth, attention will be given to the commentaries on Isaiah, Hosea and the Psalms to underline the diversity and plurality of the evidence.

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