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Document Details :

Title: La «piété» du patriarche Jacob selon Sg 10,10-12
Author(s): LEPROUX, Alexis
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 99    Issue: 2   Date: 2018   
Pages: 189-201
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.99.2.3284920

Abstract :
The Jacob cycle (Genesis 27-32) is summarized in three verses in the Book of Wisdom (10,10-12). The close reading of this text evinces a double process of hellenization of the biblical patriarch. First, the cunning Jacob becomes a paradigm of wisdom, close to the ideal of the Greek paideia. Second, the motif of the 'fear of God', unknown in the Book of Wisdom, is replaced by eusebeia ('piety'), a term used by late Greek philosophy to describe harmony between the divine and human world. Jacob, in this way, is presented as model of piety.

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