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Document Details :

Title: Structure rhétorique de la prière d'Esther dans la LXX d'Esther (Suppl. C,14b-30)
Author(s): NZOSA MUYUMBU, Pascaline , WÉNIN, André
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 93    Issue: 2   Date: 2017   
Pages: 289-311
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.93.2.3223606

Abstract :
The rhetorical structure of Esther’s prayer in supplement C of the LXX Book of Esther (v. 14-30) has never attracted attention so far. The text is analysed with the tools of biblical rhetoric: A harmonious structure in five parts emerges. Then, the prayer is read in order to highlight the arguments Queen Esther develops before God to induce him to intervene in her favor for the salvation of Israel, and the specific role played by each of the parties, as well as their sequencing, in her strategy of persuasion.

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