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Document Details :

Title: Das ‘Schuldopfer’ Ascham in Jes 53,10 und die Interpretation des sogenannten vierten Gottesknechtliedes
Author(s): VOLGGER, David
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 79    Issue: 4   Date: 1998   
Pages: 473-498
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.79.4.3200634

Abstract :
With the help of the Masoretic vocalisation the Hebrew consonantal text of Isa 53,10 was translated as follows: 'And YHWH was pleased with his bruised one (he accepted him) whom he had allowed to become sick. When you make his life an Asham guilt offering he will see his offspring and live long. The Lord’s plan will succeed through him.' The comparison with ancient witnesses to the text has confirmed this interpretation. The investigation of how Isa 52,13-53,12 is embedded in the entire book of Isaiah has also shown that this interpretation is meaningful. In this context a positive sense was given to the anonymity of the 'Servant' and to the anonymity of the 'we' who speak from 53,1. For this anonymity communicates all possible divine revelations after Isaiah through God’s word to Isaiah. YHWH’s word lasts for ever and so will outlast all changes of time. Meanwhile the metaphorical comparison of the Servant with an Asham guilt offering (Isa 53,10) serves as a hermeneutical category for the possibility, disclosed by YHWH, of restoring the damaged relationship between God and Israel through insight into the past history of guilt. In conclusion Isa 52,13-53,12 was also interpreted as an image for the story or stories of Israel.

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