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Document Details :

Title: The Referent of 'Our Shield' in Psalm 84,10
Author(s): KIM, Yoo-ki
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 98    Issue: 1   Date: 2017   
Pages: 10-24
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.98.1.3197382

Abstract :
The expression 'our shield' in Ps 84,10 offers two possibilities of interpretation: taking the noun phrase as a vocative referring to the deity, or as an object of the imperative verb referring to a human king. The parallel structure of the two couplets that constitute the prayer in vv. 9-10 as well as syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic features argue in favor of taking 'our shield' as a reference to God. By calling God 'our shield', the poet prays for God’s powerful protection of the leader of the community, who is probably the poet himself.

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