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Document Details :

Title: Mettre en œuvre la foi, selon l’Épître de Jacques
Author(s): ASSAËL, Jacqueline
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 90    Issue: 4   Date: 2009   
Pages: 506-529
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.90.4.3188925

Abstract :
In the Letter of James the faithful are called upon to become 'poets of the λόγου', that is to say to pass from just hearing the divine word to putting it into action. But this expression does not insist upon the need to make the faith concretely real. It enters into relation with a vocabulary that evokes the energy which must inspire both the words and the actions or the contemplation of human beings and it above all alludes metaphorically, by reference to Greek literary art, to the aesthetic, in fact spiritual, dimension that Christian conduct must take on in order truly to realize itself as such.

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