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Document Details :

Title: Jezebel’s Oath (1 Kgs 19,2)
Author(s): MERECZ, Robert J.
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 90    Issue: 2   Date: 2009   
Pages: 257-259
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.90.2.3188907

Abstract :
Jezebel’s oath, as recorded in 1 Kgs 19,2, gives some clues that from the beginning it was not intended to be kept. One such indication is the lack of the prepositional phrase לי. Lack of the phrase coupled with other contextual clues paints a picture of Jezebel as a calm and clever queen and, at the same time, it exposes Elijah’s unreasonable fear and inability to see the true matter of things.

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