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Document Details :

Title: Postmodernism and the Deus absconditus in Lamentations 3
Author(s): GLADSON, Jerry A.
Journal: Biblica
Volume: 91    Issue: 3   Date: 2010   
Pages: 321-334
DOI: 10.2143/BIB.91.3.3188869

Abstract :
Lamentations reflects the silence of God. God seemingly does not act or speak. To some, this detachment represents an absence of God; to others, a 'hiddenness' of God (Deus absconditus). Analysis of Lam 3,55-57, the crux interpretum for the divine silence, suggests the ק strophe may break this oppressive silence. The strophe reflects an awareness of God who speaks. God stands in the background of the whole of life for this poet, emerging only fleetingly and in ways oblique. This perspective is similar to the ambiguous, indeterminate approach to reality in postmodernism. The divine Voice thus joins other voices in Lamentations.

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