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Document Details :

Title: Mark 15,34 and the Sitz im Leben of the Real Reader
Author(s): VAN OYEN, Geert , VAN CAPPELLEN, Patty
Journal: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
Volume: 91    Issue: 4   Date: 2015   
Pages: 569-599
DOI: 10.2143/ETL.91.4.3129669

Abstract :
This article on Mark 15,34 consists of two parts. The first part offers an overview of the main questions that have orientated exegetical research: the origin of the verse, the use of Psalm 22, and the function within Mark’s narrative and his Christological portrayal of Jesus. The observation that all of these questions have received very different, even opposite answers, leads to the second empirical part of the contribution. Based on the results of a survey of sixty-three participants the authors explored the relation between the endorsement of one’s interpretation of Jesus’ last words and individual characteristics and beliefs. They found support for the working hypothesis that the Sitz im Leben of the real reader is involved in the act of interpreting Jesus’ last words in Mark 15,34. This initial step in an empirical approach to exegesis offers preliminary evidence that needs to be further investigated in other Biblical texts and with a larger number of participants.

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