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Document Details :

Title: Arminian Toleration, Irenicism and Latitudinarianism in Cudworth's Letters to Van Limborch
Subtitle: Text and Context
Author(s): STANCIU, Diana
Journal: Lias
Volume: 40    Issue: 2   Date: 2013   
Pages: 177-209
DOI: 10.2143/LIAS.40.2.3019238

Abstract :
The present article introduces the letters addressed by Ralph Cudworth to Philippus Van Limborch on 10 February 1668, 4 August 1669, 16 March 1674 and 10 July 1687. In these hitherto unpublished letters, one can find several views on irenicism and toleration addressed by the Anglican divine to the Remonstrant leader before the 1689 Toleration Act was actually enforced in England. Besides offering some clues to the exchange of ideas regarding toleration and irenicism between Cudworth and Van Limborch in particular, this article also presents the context of their exchange (that is, the spread of Arminianism in England). By that, it also expounds on the exchange of ideas on toleration and irenicism between the Cambridge latitudinarian divines and the Remonstrants in general. The difference of degree (if not really of substance) between Holland and England regarding toleration and irenicism is also pointed out.

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